Marc Cashman Voiceover Coach Review

Marc Cashman is the Bob Ross of VO coaching. I’m dropping copy left and right, my pronouns are waving, my verbs are sagging and Marc’s like “ok good first take. You missed ‘as’ in the middle of the third line, no problem - I know you’ll read that right in the next take. What we’re going to do is pull back those pronouns a bit and ride your verbs to your nouns. We’ll call this take 2, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Fawn Alleyne……” So knowledgeable, yet so gracious.

Who knew making mistakes could be this fun?!

Who knew making mistakes could be this fun?!

It was more than slightly intimidating to be working with such a highly experienced coach. There was an intense awareness that all my bad habits and weaknesses stood out like a spaghetti stain on a white shirt. I really appreciate the way Marc Cashman talked down my nerves in our first session. I can’t believe how much I learn from him during each session. 

Working with a producer or director in a studio is business and a misstep could cost you future work. Every professional needs a safe place to try new things and develop new skills - Marc Cashman provides that haven for voiceover artists. I love making mistakes when Marc’s coaching, because it’s the mistakes that unlock his vault of knowledge. He raises the bar by making you aware of better ways to perform copy, and when you crash into it he doesn’t mock or shame you. He graciously helps you up and makes you believe you can become better...and then you do.

Thinking of hiring a coach? Ask around. Hire a coach who is experienced and passionate about helping you be successful. A professional who isn’t a coach will try to get you to jump to the top in one leap. A coach - a teacher - will hold your hand and help you to the top one step at a time.

Check out V-Oh! Tips, Tricks, Tools and Techniques to Start and Sustain Your Voiceover Career by Marc Cashman - a must read for voiceover artists!

Check out V-Oh! Tips, Tricks, Tools and Techniques to Start and Sustain Your Voiceover Career by Marc Cashman - a must read for voiceover artists!

Marc’s book is excellent! He’s organized the information with the busy professional in mind.  The short chapters are rich in meaning but can be internalized in less than an hour. I’m able to better leverage skills I already have, recognize bad habits I need to break and identify specific ways to make the copy come alive. In an attempt to inspire, some books are so abstract you can't figure out how to concretely apply the concepts. Not so with Marc's book. His references to art and music help you infuse three dimensional life into two dimensional black text on white paper.

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Fawn Alleyne